This little glass frog was spotted in the forests outside La Selva Biological Reserve in the Costa Rica lowlands. Months before, I had gone out searching for the relatives of this individual in the rain forests of the Talamanca mountain ranges with Adam Stein- a field biologist now working in Tanzania- and Sam, an intern from Colorado specializing in Pilsen beer and local pizza. That night, we had wandered up the rocky creeks and pulled down the long stems of the Heliconia leaves in pursuit of the engrossing ambiance emanating from the glass frogs in the darkness, but had been unsuccessful. Though they could be heard in the spaces all around us, they were nowhere to be seen. Eventually, with the rain intensifying and the river turning the muddy chocolate that foreshadows the cabeza de agua, we had turned our tails and run- back across the bridges before the flash flood could wash them out. To find this little fellow many months later while leading students on a night hike through the dark woods of La Selva was a welcome way to close the circle; at least until we return to the Talamancas.